Website Placement Advertisement

Photo: @you_can_see_76 / Model: @aesthetics_yar

At The Swanky Media Group, we provide opportunities for your business or brand to advertise products on banners across our website. These banners are designed to maximize reach among our audiences without becoming intrusive.

Our web advertisements serve ads that our audiences find relevant, instantly connecting your brand with the right prospects at the right time. Whether you're selling clothing, offering worldwide photography workshops, or promoting fashion artwork, there's a place for your brand on our website.

We offer three types of website placements:

Sidebar banner (Large - Portrait) - This placement captures our audience's attention immediately, making your product the first thing they'll likely engage with.

Footer banner (Medium - —Landscape) - This placement features your product at the bottom of articles, important website pages, and our Community hub page, all of which attract significant virtual traffic.

Badge (Small-Square) - This placement is excellent for small businesses or brands just starting, driving traffic to your new brand quickly.

If you're interested in featuring your business or brand, please contact us at Our team is ready to assist with your inquiry.

sally morris